Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Integrating mannasim into ns-allinone-2.35 on ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit OS)

You can follow the steps given here


In case you face problems while downloading from git hub then do the following:

1) Open the terminal (ALT+CTRL)
2) Goto to 'home' directory by issuing the command "cd .."
3) Ensure that you are in home directory
4) Issue the command " gedit /etc/hosts " and enter the following details into this file:  github.com  github.com github.com github.com github.com

once done, save the file and close it

5) Now run the command " sudo git clone git://github.com/paultsr/ns-allinone-2.35.git " in the terminal

6) After a while, depending on the Internet speed and your system configuration, you must see a folder with the name ns-allinone-2.35 in home directory.

7) Now move this file into /usr/local. To do that issue the following command "mv ns-allinon-2.35 /usr/local " from the terminal (ensure that you are in the home directory where ns-allinone-2.35 is available (the one downloaded just now). 

8) Then issue the following two commands, one after the other, in the terminal 

                  a)      cd ns-allinone-2.35
                  b)      sudo ./install

9) Once the installation is successful ( ensure that there are no errors ) then you must find a folder named ns2 in /home/user_name/ where "user_name" is the name of your computer.   In this folder you will find four tcl files, you can run them by issuing the command "ns filename.tcl" . If your instillation is successful, then a NAM file will be opened ... Success!!!

10) To test sensor network application programs download the files from http://www.mannasim.dcc.ufmg.br/download.htm
namely, mannasim-rede-hierarquica.tcl and mannasim-rede-plana.tcl and run them (indivudually) you must see the result.

 Link to ns-alinone-2.35, and two tcl files




For leach protocol testing, use the file from here


or from  here
