Thursday, 9 July 2015

NAM problem solved - ubuntu 14.04 (32 bit version.)

Go to this website:

 Download the package and unzip it. You will find two folders with the Downloaded package, unzip it. You will find two folders with the name "DEBIAN" and "usr".

In the "usr"  folder, you will find a "local" folder and within this you must find two more folders with the names "bin" and "lib", copy the contents of "bin" folder, which is "nam", into the /usr/local/bin folder on your machine and the contents of "lib" folder which is "nam-1.15" into /usr/local/lib.

Now, open a terminal with the command ctrl+alt+t, the terminal opens. Now issue the command

"sudo apt-get install nam" and now you run any tcl script you must be successful.

This worked for me and I am happily running NAM on Ubuntu 14.04 (32-bit).

For Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit), download the file from

Copy the contents of "nam_1.14_amd64" into the directory as mentioned for 32-bit versions. 
That is into /usr/local/lib
                                                                                                            ( courtesy: Nirav Toliya)

or you can try this...

sudo apt-get remove nam
sudo dpkg --install nam_1.15-10_i386.deb

Now type <nam>

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